Removable Braces | Orthodontists | Dental Clinic Dubai | Removable Appliances

Removable Braces


Removable Braces

Now that you have a removable brace you may have some questions you would like answered.

Will it be painful?

It is likely to be sore for about 3-5 days each time the brace is adjusted.  If necessary, painkillers such as the ones you would normally take for a headache, may help. If there is an obvious area of soreness as a result of the brace, ring for an appointment as soon as is reasonably possible.  If possible, do not stop wearing the brace or else you will have to go through the 3-5 day of discomfort all over again when you start wearing it once more.

How else might it affect me?

Your speech will be different.  Practice speaking with the brace in place e.g. read out aloud at home on your own, and in this way your speech will return to normal in a couple of days. You may also find yourself swallowing a lot to begin with.  This is quite normal and will quickly pass.

Can I eat normally?

Yes you should be able to eat normally.  It is important you keep the brace in whilst eating unless you are otherwise instructed.

Although it may be difficult at first, eating with the brace in place will become easier with time. After each meal remove the brace and rinse it thoroughly.

For your orthodontic treatment to work well and in the shortest possible time it is important you take care of your teeth and brace.  In order to avoid damage to both, you should:

Avoid eating toffees, boiled sweets, sugared chewing gum, chocolate bars, etc.

Avoid drinking fizzy drinks (including diet drinks) and excessive amounts of fruit juice.

Take care eating hard foods which might damage the brace such as crunchy apples, crusty bread, etc.  Cut them up first.

What about tooth brushing?

It is important you brush well three times per day and use a fluoride toothpaste.  If possible carry a brush with you for use after lunch.  Take the brace out to clean your teeth.  You should also gently brush the brace, taking care not to damage the wires.  A daily fluoride should also be used last thing at night, after tooth brushing.  Failure to keep your teeth and braces clean will lead to permanent scarring of your teeth.

Can I remove the brace?

Yes but you should remove it only for cleaning.  Do not repeatedly click the brace in and out with your tongue as this will break the wires and increase the length of time the treatment will take.

How long will treatment take?

It usually takes 6-24 months but will vary according to how severe your case is.  Failed or cancelled appointment or repeated breakages of the brace will increase the length of time the treatment will take.

How often will I need appointments?

You will need regular, usually monthly, appointments for the braces to be adjusted.

What do I do if my braces break?

Ring up for an appointment as soon as is reasonably possible.  Do not wait for your next routine appointment as the breakage my slow your treatment, or may result in damage to your teeth.